I have a significant announcement regarding SummitServe. As of this week, it looks like I will need to move the trip dates back a few weeks, into July - July 7-12, to be exact. Same Sat-Thurs time frame, but a few weeks later. The reason for this is three-fold:
1) Our chaperone team has had a work-related conflict come up that will most likely prevent them from leading our trip. Due to the nature of this conflict, I need to honor that. I also feel it important to keep you informed with as much lead time as possible so you can plan accordingly. It is important to me to get this ironed out and decisions made, which is why I am coming to you with this now rather than waiting any longer.
2) I am under contract with Riverside to speak at two of their Jr High camp weeks, the second of which falls on our currently scheduled June week. In order to make this trip go, I feel that someone who has been there on the ground and in a position of oversight needs to be along for the ride. So, with the date moving to July, I will be able to lead the trip this summer. I looked at other options, including attempting to switch my speaking engagement with the other Jr High week speaker in order to keep our initial date, but she was unable to switch due to a family commitment on her end. This is the best possible solution in my opinion.
3) Spider, the YMCA volunteer coordinator on the Estes Park end, has a significant number of groups the week prior to our June date; in conversations with her about potentials, she felt this week in July works out even better on her end as well.
I realize that this is a significant change. I hope your student will still be able to take part. I am trying to stay as far out in front of this as possible to allow you time to make your decision as a family. I am sorry for any inconvenience this may cause; I understand ...rest assured the trip will still go, which is my primary objective in jumping back in to lead the group. I want to ensure that this trip continues, and leadership continuity is important to me on that front. If you are still considering going but have not signed up yet, be advised of this change.
Thank you for your patience in this matter!