Monday, February 2, 2015

SummitServe 2015

Here are a few updates on SummitServe 2015!

-The trip will take place June 20-25, 2015. The Zion youth, accompanied by awesome chaperones, will travel to Estes Park, Colorado to spend time serving others and learning about Jesus!

-There are 27 spots on the trip for students entering 9th- graduating 12th grade in 2015. Sign up will be on the website and the signup start date will be February 13th at 5:00PM.  Sign ups are first come first serve until all spots are filled.

-The cost of the trip is $200 per student. Scholarships are available if cost is an issue. The first $100 is due by Easter Sunday (April 5) and the second $100 due June 1. This does not include money for food or extra spending (it is recommended you send an extra $100 per child for these expenses.) All other costs are covered.

-Zion will be accompanied by the youth group from Lutheran Church of the Cross in Altoona. After consulting with the students they all agreed this was a great idea. We will drive separately and stay in separate places, but will be together for our service projects and some Bible study and social events!

-The Easter Breakfast Fundraiser will be mandatory for all students attending the trip. Students must serve a minimum of 2 hours on Easter Sunday at this fundraiser. We will time the volunteer shifts so the students are still able to attend worship.  The funds help offset van and fuel costs for the church.

-Regular attendance at Sunday school and Wednesday night youth group (STARS Academy Builders & Believers) is recommended for each student attending SummitServe. We understand conflicts come up, but attendance as often as possible is very important to prepare the students for this great experience!

-All questions and concerns can be directed at Kate Howe- or 515-270-8142. There will be an informational meeting with LOTS of details in May- prior to the trip.