Tuesday -- we painted/stained at the Y. I studied in the lodge (homework never ends, ya know?!?) Cool thing -- I knew the kids were in great hands and I knew they would work hard regardless of my presence. In fact, this was a defining moment for me in the 'letting go' process...up to this point in the trip, great things were happening. The leaders were staying up late talking with kids, great conversations were happening, and I did not need to be the one facilitating. In fact, it was better for me to get out of the way and let the other leaders 'lead'! This continued on Tuesday, and gave us a great chance to talk about the fact that ministry does not depend on one figurehead, but rather youth (and dare I say pastoral?) ministry ought to have many faces, each with their own talents and passions, interacting together to do great things for Jesus' sake in the lives of those around us. The afternoon was a trip -- building a brand new trail and chopping thistles out of the hillside. It was SATISFYING to look at a new trail that was cut out of the hill using shovels and pick axes...we were dirty, sweaty, tired, and psyched to see something we had done. Best part was we provided a new walking path that was safe and solid for guests at the Y in future years that allowed them to connect with other parts of the camp. Good, good stuff that served the camp, and even better Jesus -- serving those who serve others on His behalf!
Wednesday -- this was a HARD work day. They had been up to this point, but Wind River took it to a wholly different level. We carried logs (2-3 person jobs on some) down a mountainside. We shovelled manure to fertilize grass seed. We made and demolished piles of slash (limbs and brush from the logs). We pushed hard on Wednesday. We were bloody, beat up, tired, and once again, satisfied. This was our favorite day by far! And it was all done at this horse ranch that is a Christian family camp sitting at 9500' feet under the shadow of Long's Peak. Rob, their maintenance guy, prayed for our time and our group and blew us away. Again, the theme was to serve Jesus by serving others. Huge. This was a day I needed -- something physical, keeping my senses engaged and my eyes on Him. We slept well knowing we accomplished a project for some GREAT folks who love Christ and follow Him daily that they had been needing to get done. Very, very special.
Thursday -- we hiked! The service continued, in a different way. We loved each other, encouraged each other, as we walked 8 miles, seeing high mountain peaks and lakes, laughing, enjoying the beauty of what He has done. We had numerous chances to share our purpose for being in Estes Park with others on the trail (matching shirts may have opened the door...) and I was super proud of our kids who took the time to speak about our projects and the fact that we were there to serve Jesus by serving others. Great day, again...tired, dirty, and happy. The service took on a different tone, but was every bit as meaningful. Hopefully we brought this home -- we can serve Him everyday, even in something as simple as hiking around and having fun. He opens doors, we have to walk through them.
More to come!